Tuesday 12 June 2012

Carmex Moisturising Lip Balm

I was a product tester for Beauty and Lace for this product. Check out my review and others at http://beauty.beautyandlace.net/beauty-chick-chat-carmex-squeeze-tube

Le Tan Flawless Legs

LOVE LOVE LOVE this product!!!! Read my review at Beauty and Lace.


Origins - Brightening Peel Pads - Exfoliator

I tested the Origins range and absolutely loved this product. Every tub contains 40 circular facial pads, each with a textured surface and containing glycolic acid. These two features combine to provide a gentle exfoliation experience. TIP - double your supply by cutting each pad in half ;-)

In short, MD Formulations Face and Body Scrub look out...
, there's a new kid on the block.

Origins describe the product as "These clinically-proven, skin brightening peel pads rival the instant smoothness and radiance restoring benefits of a professional 30% glycolic peel without the redness. Plus they help restore clarity and improve evenness of skin tone."


md Formulations - Face and Body Scrub

This is my number 1 product and always the first thing I pack when travelling. Before make up, clothes, toothbrush, it's this! My sister (43 years young) and I have been using md for years now.

3 reasons I love this product?

- EVERYONE can use it.
- The tiny, smooth, synthetic granules ensure a gentle exfoliation with every use.
- The Glycolic compound increases skin hydration and dissolves dry, dead skin cells. Improving the feel and appearance of skin.

My skin is softer, smoother, more hydrated and looks healthier with this scrub. When my skin is in this condition make up is applied easier and last longer.

A must try for everyone!

Thursday 7 June 2012

Something New ...

It is said that ‘a change is as good as a holiday’ and from reading some of the information that is coming out after various studies on mood, brain health, general wellbeing and the perception of happiness it seems to me that this saying is probably spot on. 
Now, I’m not saying major changes like quitting your job or moving countries are required to achieve this feeling or that this euphoric holiday feeling will last forever (let’s face it, holidays are called holidays not everydays for a reason) but simple variances from your normal routine have the opportunity to achieve a similar positive impact.
My sister and I recently took the opportunity to go horse riding, something neither of us had done for at least 10 years, it was so relaxing and unwinding because you had to pay attention and focus on staying on the horse, therefore leaving the daily drone of ‘what should I cook for dinner?’ and ‘did I pay that electricity bill?’ far from reach. 
The benefit of focusing on just what you are doing in this moment (also sometimes referred to as mindfulness) apparently builds new brain cells and neurological pathways if the task is something new to you and requires hand/eye coordination.
So, for the effort of holding on for dear life, smelling a little funky and the sudden development of a John Wayne - like swagger we left for home with new brain cells and sore butts in tow, plus the feeling of having had a really relaxing day. 
So I’d like to suggest in the next couple of weeks you try something new, whether it be taking a guided canoe/paddle board/bike ride along your local waterways while the weather is still beautiful or learning a new skill that you’d always wanted to eg. dancing, guitar, art/pottery classes. Whatever your taste there are plenty of low cost activities out there to stimulate the brain and enhance your happiness.
‘til next time... enjoy!
Rebecca Owen
Naturopath (BHSc)
My sister and I.

Surfing with the horses.

Meet Rebecca - Naturopath

I am so excited!!! Please meet a close friend of mine and fabulous Naturopath - Rebecca :-)

Rebecca is a qualified Naturopath having worked and studied in the health industry for the last 10 years. Her primary focus is to help people find healthy goals and solutions that work for them - as well as enjoying some well placed ‘new things’ in life, after all it’s all about balance isn’t it?

Rebecca will be writing feature blogs for us on a monthly basis and keeping us up to date with what's happening in the health industry. If you have a topic you would like to know about please let me know :-)
Welcome Rebecca :-)